Afeeya Khadijah

Now should be Grateful .
Tomorrow should be Prepare .

05 . April . 2014 .
Saturday, April 5, 2014 | 1:11 AM | 0 Comment
Assalamualaikum , n haii ..

jam skrg mnunjukkan pkul 1.11 a.m. haha . cantik nmbor tu .
dah 2 bulan aq x update citer2 baru n dah 2 tahun lamenye aq x "makeover" blog ni . malas thap infiniti .

harini 05 April 2014 .
tarikh tu tarikh keramat .
sepatutnya jd tarikh 'istimewa' .
hari ni jadi hari yg penuh brmakna .
hari yg buat aku happy smpai lompat2 katak .
happy sampai mase tdo pn boleh trsenyum .
tp tu smua khayalan . propa semata -mata. haha .

hakikatnya ?
tarikh tu tinggal kenangan .
kenangan yg kadang2 menyeksa jiwa.
kadang2 buat aku nak nangis.
kadang2 buat aku trtanya-tanya. kenapa ?

kenapa kau buat aku macam ni ?
kenapa kau tak beri penjelasan spenuhnya ?
kenapa kau tinggalkan aku dlm kebingungan ?

sampai , kadang2 kenangan tu jugak 
buat aku rase benci . meluat . menyampah .
aku rase aku ni bodoh ! 
aku rase macam ape yg kau luah kat aku dulu tu khayalan semata .
bukannya kebenaran .
aku rase aku ni bukan sape2 .
I'm nothing for you .
in the past , for now , and probably sooner .

Just nothing .

tapi , aq cube buang rase benci , dendam , marah aku pd kau .
sbb aku tau smua tu tak ad pape makne pun .
cume tinggalkan kerugian pd diri aku sndiri je .

maybe , dah smpai mase utk aku pikir diri aku semdiri . sebelum org lain .
honestly , I'm too tired .
Tired to be nice to everyone .
Tired to care about other's feelings.
Tired of liars .
Tired of such stupid dramas around me.

what ever it is . I want you to know,
I always pray for your happiness .
whoever the lucky girl , please . 
appreciate her as long as she still care and loving you.

*sorry sbb aku masih simpan bnde ni . trmasuklah 2 helai nota kecik yg kau prnah bagi mase awal2 dlu .

#DearEx ,

We may be friend or sometimes act like strangers .
but I hope we still hve silaturrahim .
and, I really hopes there's no enmity between us. 

thanks for everything we had been through .
thanks for taught me to be strong.
thanks for your presence in my life eventhough just for a short while.
thanks . for . your . love .